Caitlin's Blog About Moving From Seattle to New York, VIA Chicago and Guatemala

See title.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Why that 19 year old kid from California who was on the Xela to San Pedro trek SUX

Dear C-------,
I am not using your real name because I don{t want you to one day do a Google vanity search and find this and come and kill me. But you kind of suck. Here is my argument for why.
Oh, I had such high hopes in the beginning. You like the Decemberists. We had a nice conversation about it. I thought we would be friends on the trek. However, as soon as it became apparent that all you wanted to do was hook up with our lead guide, you dropped me and everyone else like a sack of potatoes. Sure, I understand wanting to bone Anna. She{s super cute and funny. But would it kill you to sometimes NOT be at the front of the hike ALL the time? To TRY to talk to some of us occasionally? I even attempted to speak to you in Spanish since you were SO PROUD of the 6 weeks of schooling you have had. Yet hardly anything.
That{s not really why you suck. You suck because you are a snobby know it all. For example. You make the claim that Guatemala City is not REALLY Guatemala culture. What on earth do you mean by this? How can the biggest city in Guatemala with 2 million Guatemalans NOT be Guatemalan culture? Sure, they have Taco Bells and McDonalds there, but does that negate the cultural validity of the people who live there? Does partaking in such things mean that one is not really Guatemalan? And who gave YOU the right to make such an assertion? I think you just WANT all Guatemalans to live in fincas in the mountains because it{s so exotic and different. And I think that makes you racist.
You also made other weird racist comments during the trip. Look, the Austrailian guy was actually friends with the Israelis. His apparent hatred for Israelis was a joke they all shared. When you started making weird comments about too many Jews around, it made everyone uncomfortable. Even the Austrailian, and he liked you.
Another thing: if you are going to claim that you study post structualist philosphy, you should figure out what that actually is. I bet it is more than just "a lot of things" that you "haven{t actually studied in awhile" which are "hard to explain." I also would bet money on the fact that French guy you mentioned had a philosophy that included more than "the face of the other sets you free." That doesn't make any sense.
But you are 19. I forgive you a for a lot of these examples of suckiness. Just a word of advice- it{s really embarrassing to everyone around you when you start playing the guitar and singing bright eyes songs while staring at the girl you have a crush. It{s a lesson we all have to learn. But you will be so much happier when you do. Good luck in the future on not sucking. You have your work cut out for you.
That girl who was really slow on the hike but is still a worthwhile person.

p.s. sorry for the terrible spelling and weird punctuation everyone. This is a weird computer. Oh, and I can never spell anyway.


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