Caitlin's Blog About Moving From Seattle to New York, VIA Chicago and Guatemala

See title.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Embarrassing Things About Living With My Host Family; From Least Embarrassing to Most

1. I brought some nice loose leaf tea as a gift for the entire family, but for some reason decided that I only needed to bring one tea infuser. So now mi madre always serves me tea. And no one else can drink the tea. It´s embarrassing every single time.

2. My room is right next to the bathroom. I mentioned before how the walls are very thin. This means I can very clearly hear everyone pee. And poop. And sometimes talk to themselves while they poop. Although I can´t yet understand what they are saying.

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3. I DON´T KNOW ANYONE´S NAME!!! I was introduced to people once, but forgot most of the names, and didn´t understand a lot of people´s relationship to the heads of the household (I know la abuelita se llama Marta, and I THINK el abuelito se llama Martin. But I´m not sure on that last one.) It´s gotten to the point where it´s too awkward to ask names. I´m hoping my Spanish will improve enough so I will be able to pick out names from conversations. Yesterday was my host sister´s 19th birthday. Ï thought to myself, Thank goodness, self. I´ll be able to learn at least her name when they sing her Happy Birthday. But I couldn´t understand. It sounded like Minda ABljsfdjldfskljaaaaa. I am so ashamed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be ashamed!!! You're new and trying hard! For Heaven's Sake, give yourself some time. Before you know it you'll be navigating identities as if you'd known these folks all your life.
But you did make me laugh out loud.
Love you! Dad

3:27 PM  

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