Caitlin's Blog About Moving From Seattle to New York, VIA Chicago and Guatemala

See title.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I Smell Bad Because...

Ok, I don't really smell bad. But I don't shower that much here. It just feels... I don't know. When you see a country that's sooo poor, you realize how PRECIOUS natural resources are. So. I like showering everyday. Do I need to shower everyday? No. So I don't.

Now the showers in Guatemala are kind of funny, because hardly any houses have hot water supplies. The showers have these boxes connected to them that you turn on to heat the water. Sometimes they don't work, and then you shower cold.

Anyway, when I first came to the house, my host mom showed me how to work it, and instructed me to turn the water off when lathering up. Which I do. I would say my showers last about a minute or two. Total. So the waters running even less.

BUT the other day my host mom comes and shows me AGAIN how to work the thing, and talks about how for the past three weeks the water has been really expensive. LOOK, BITCH, I'VE ONLY BEEN LIVING WITH YOU FOR TWO WEEKS! Plus, I totally don't take as long as your sons. And last night, I SWEAR I heard water running for like, half an hour somehwere in the house.

Anyway, I don't know why it infuriated me SO MUCH. But it did. But otherwise my family is still pretty awesome.

PS: I took a really long shower when visiting a pretty well-off family in Guatemala City. With hot water the entire time. I guess it's easy to forget when not surrounded by reminders, huh?


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